Wednesday, May 23, 2012

R2 - Most Enjoyable Topic

It’s difficult to pinpoint the specific thing in which I enjoy writing about, but if I had to choose, I would probably have to go with personal experiences. They are much easier to type out and word in your own way, and nobody is there to correct you on details or explanations. You type everything in your own perspective and make it seem like the reader was right there with you.

I think the same goes with most readers as well. It’s always enjoyable to read about the things that people have experienced in life, because it’s a completely different reality than your own. It makes you look at things in a different way and makes you wonder what it is like to be somebody else. My personal favorite stories to read are Michael Steffan’s stories, because you can tell that they are truly genuine. Every detail is most likely exactly how it happened in real life, and that just makes it that much more satisfying.

On the other hand, there are also blogs that I absolutely despise writing about. If you have been up to date with all of my blogs, (which I doubt you are, seeing as there is a total of 0 people reading this blog even right now) you would know that I absolutely hate writing choice blogs. It seems as if Mr. Currin gets too lazy to think of a few more blogs for us to write about, so he just tosses a couple choice blogs in the mix and calls it a day. As a student, I firmly believe that our assignments should already be prepared for us, and we should not be required to think of three entirely new blog subjects because Mr. Currin would rather go grade a couple papers. It’s a good feeling knowing that I don’t have to worry about another choice blog for another day in my entire life.

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