Wednesday, February 15, 2012

L1 - Super Bowl Tradition

I’m sure we all know about the Giants-Patriots repeat match-up at the Super Bowl two weeks ago, and it was obviously a fun one to watch. This Super Bowl was just like any other for me, though. It’s the same thing every year and it never gets old. Every year, somebody in the family decides if they want to hold the party, and everybody gathers there and brings food. Most family members have their own signature dish, like my mother and my aunt. My mom’s tuna salad blows anybody else’s tuna salad out of the water, and my aunt’s cheesy potatoes are out of this world. If you don’t believe me, you are more than welcome to come to the family part next year and try it out for yourself, because I know you wouldn’t regret it. There are normally two television sets in the home that we settle in, and we usually separate from adults to kids. Over the years, I have found myself watching the game with the rest of the adults and I can say it is much more enjoyable. Much more enjoyable being easier access to food, more comfortable seats, and lame jokes. For the first half of the game, we normally just sit around and watch, chat, and eat. Come the half time show, we’re all expecting my Grandpa to make as many inappropriate references about the show as he can. Everybody gets a good laugh out of them and it’s always a good time. The second half of the game is when everybody starts to get really into the game and wants to see who the winner will be. So the talking is down to a minimum, and the focus is to a maximum. The team that my uncle is usually rooting for ends up losing, and all we hear for the rest of the night is the excuses for why they lost, which can get annoying. I always look forward to the next Super Bowl, because nothing beats a good meal and a good football game.

Friday, February 3, 2012

K1- The Escapee

In this picture, you can clearly see that there is an upset gentleman. You might be wondering to yourself what he is upset about. I’ll be the one to tell you.

It was a chilly fall night when Dr. Allen Seymour left work in the hopes of coming home to a nice warm dinner. His walk home was just like any other, but he had a gut feeling in his stomach that something was wrong. He slowly approached his front door, opened it cautiously, and walked in to see something would change his life for the worse. He had never felt the emotion that was running through him as he stood there and stared at his dead wife.

His first reaction was to see if she was truly dead. He ran to the pale, unconscious body and checked for a pulse. There was nothing. He grabbed the phone and called 911. They were there in minutes, but unfortunately could not do anything for the dead woman. They couldn’t find any traces of anybody being in the house prior the incident, and has no evidence to prove how the woman had even died. They did all of the legal work that they had to do, and told Dr. Seymour that they would contact him if they found anything relating to the case. There was nothing this middle aged doctor could do but sit and hope for the best.

When the police and ambulance left, Allen sat down calmly and was hoping that he would wake up from this terrible nightmare. After hours of waiting and doing nothing, he finally gave up and accepted the fact that he had lost his wife, and that he was most definitely in reality. He didn’t know how long he was going to able to live by himself without the love that his wife provided to him.

That’s when he heard it. The opening of a closet door heard from the upstairs. He jumped up and ran towards the stairs, racing up them frantically. To his surprise, it wasn’t what he was expecting to see. There stood a 10 foot tall, green creature. It stared at Dr. Seymour for a good minute, with its beady black eyes. The man stood in shock and the alien towered over him. The alien then shrunk to the size of a tennis ball and ran under the blanket that was lying on the floor. Alan grabbed the chair that was next to him, lifted it over his shoulders, and threw it at the small creature that was clearly on the run. He threw the chair very aggressively. To his disappointment, he missed by an easy five feet, and the alien escaped out of the window.

Alan wasn’t going to just give up like that. He turned around, ran down the stairs, and busted out the front door as fast as he could. He ran out into the street to see if he could see the escaped creature. And just like that, Alan was hit was hit by a tractor trailer and died instantly.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

J4 - Choice Blog

What do you know? Another choice blog. I have been sitting here for about 15 minutes deciding what to right about, and I still have no idea. There goes another 5 minutes of nothing. I think I’m going to blame thee Joseph White that is sitting to my left attempting to choose a good last name for the first name, “Eleanor”. Mr. Currin suggested Rigby (referring to the popular Beatles song, “Eleanor Rigby”), but it was quickly shot down by Mr. White. Did you hear the joke about the polar bear that walked into the bar? Too bad, you can’t know it. Sorry. I’m going to write about whatever comes to my head for the remainder of this blog. I can hear Kyle Klug’s voice right now, and that could just be one of the most annoying things on this planet. Joe decided to choose the last name “Grenville” for his character. I think he could have chosen a better last name, but that’s just me. Michael Steffan left early today, even though he wasn’t here for the last class. Mr. Currin made it public that he is currently failing the class, which I find evil. The poor, poor kid really cares about his grades, and there goes Mr. Currin making them public. I’m starting to get really bored of this blog, but I only have to type seventy more words. Brian Stoldt just walked in the door, but I didn’t clap because he is a member of the Bulldog. Today was my first day of late arrival, and it’s definitely the greatest thing ever. Waking up at 7:45 is much better than waking up at 6:30, and that’s a fact. I am going to try and make this sentence as long as possible so it takes up nineteen words. Hey look, I did it. Farewell.