Wednesday, February 15, 2012

L1 - Super Bowl Tradition

I’m sure we all know about the Giants-Patriots repeat match-up at the Super Bowl two weeks ago, and it was obviously a fun one to watch. This Super Bowl was just like any other for me, though. It’s the same thing every year and it never gets old. Every year, somebody in the family decides if they want to hold the party, and everybody gathers there and brings food. Most family members have their own signature dish, like my mother and my aunt. My mom’s tuna salad blows anybody else’s tuna salad out of the water, and my aunt’s cheesy potatoes are out of this world. If you don’t believe me, you are more than welcome to come to the family part next year and try it out for yourself, because I know you wouldn’t regret it. There are normally two television sets in the home that we settle in, and we usually separate from adults to kids. Over the years, I have found myself watching the game with the rest of the adults and I can say it is much more enjoyable. Much more enjoyable being easier access to food, more comfortable seats, and lame jokes. For the first half of the game, we normally just sit around and watch, chat, and eat. Come the half time show, we’re all expecting my Grandpa to make as many inappropriate references about the show as he can. Everybody gets a good laugh out of them and it’s always a good time. The second half of the game is when everybody starts to get really into the game and wants to see who the winner will be. So the talking is down to a minimum, and the focus is to a maximum. The team that my uncle is usually rooting for ends up losing, and all we hear for the rest of the night is the excuses for why they lost, which can get annoying. I always look forward to the next Super Bowl, because nothing beats a good meal and a good football game.

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