Friday, December 9, 2011

The Practical Joke.

For my third and final choice blog of this hectic and tedious week, I am going to talk about the practical joke that my fellow classmates thought would be hysterical while I left the room to get Joe White and I an Intense Milk. When I walked back into the room from my adventure, I thought everything was normal. About a good ten minutes after, I went to see if I could listen to the music on my phone. To my dismay, the phone wasn’t in my pocket, nor was it in front me. Those are the only two places that the phone would be. I immediately took action and searched for the culprit. Nobody would admit to it, and I was starting to get very flustered. It took me to the point of threatening Brian Stoldt. I told the man I was going to turn off his computer if he wouldn’t fess up on the whereabouts of my phone, even if he had it. He claimed he didn’t know where it was, so I turned to my computer neighbor, Joseph White. He started laughing so I knew immediately that he was the one who did the crime. He got it up, and it was miraculously on the table that I knew I checked beforehand. I’m still curious as to who put the phone back on the table, but I know Joe knew about the entire thing. This ends my rant on the situation, and I thought it was choice blog worthy. I hope something like this never happens to me again in this class, because it was pretty embarrassing. The next time Joe walks out the door, I am going to do the worst thing that will ever happen to him in his entire high school career. That is all.

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