Friday, May 25, 2012

R3 - Mr Currin = Big deal?

“Mr. Currin is kind of a big deal… true or false?”

Seriously Currin? This is just getting pitiful. I find it very hard for you to be a big deal when it comes to the point of asking people if you’re a big deal. I’ve literally been sitting here for a good ten minutes thinking about what I should write, but I’m finding it nearly impossible. I can’t even believe I’m actually writing a blog about this right now. I’m embarrassed.

I’ll give you a few pointers on how to truly a big deal, Mr. Currin. First off, it’s kind of like the Fight Club. Number one rule, don’t talk about being a big deal. It completely ruins the purpose of being a big deal. If you talk highly of yourself, your rep automatically bumps down a few levels. If you want to truly be a big deal, let other people do the boasting, not you.

Second rule of being a big deal, you can’t be a big deal if you’re an English teacher at Alden High School. More than half of your Facebook friends are your former students, and that’s only because they think it’s cool to have old teachers as Facebook friends. It’s time to stop bragging about the 700 or so friends you have on the book, because NEWS FLASH, I have over 1,100. Deal with it.

The final rule of being a big deal? Well that’s easy. You have to be better at everything than everybody around you. And just to clear things up, I’m sitting in the same room as you. You know what that means? You’re not a big deal. I’m the big deal. Welcome to reality. Scared? You should be.

Seeing as this is the concluding paragraph, I’m guessing that you’re expecting the answer. The answer is FALSE, Mr. Currin. Somebody may say otherwise, but their opinion is 100% irrelevant. Good day.

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