Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Favorite Music Genre

I don’t I can really choose a favorite music genre, but if I were to choose one I would have to choose bluegrass. Nothing too bluegrassy, but something in between bluegrass and rock. My favorite band, the Avett Brothers, are labeled as bluegrass and rock. They have many different types of songs ranging from slow and quiet to fast paced and loud. If I were to choose a favorite song by them, I’d have to choose Murder in the City. It’s more of a slower song and the lyrics are more meaningful. I can also play the song on guitar, which is another reason why I like it so much. Another music genre that I would have label as one of my favorites is rap. I don’t like Lil Wayne though, unlike most rap fans. My favorite rappers would have to be Mac Miller and Eminem. It’s kind of ironic that they are both white, but whatever. Eminem is obviously seen as one of the greatest rappers of all time, and most respected because he made it into hip hop even though it’s seen as the black area of music. He raps about real life rather than drugs and women like 90% of rappers these days, and it’s always nice to hear something different. Another music genre that I have grown an interest to just because I have been around it so much due to moving here is country. I think every single kid in Alden is a fan of country music. It all sounds the same to me but there is no denying that it can get catchy at times. I think once you hear it at first there is really nothing to enjoy about it, but eventually you will become a conformist and just tag along with everybody else. That’s how everybody is these days, they like whatever everybody else likes. Nothing I can do about it, though.

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