Thursday, March 15, 2012

M4 - 4 Wheeling Incident

I have 25 minutes to type a choice blog. Because there is no way I am going to take the time out of my Thursday night so I can finish here. So here goes. Today I am going to write about my incident yesterday that almost led me to believe that I was just in a dream. Yesterday me and my friend Adam Strasser decided to go four wheeling with my two four wheelers behind my house. Although, when we go four wheeling, we tend to go onto other people’s land. Don’t tell anybody though. This is a fiction story so you can’t use it against me. We were riding in the back, when my smaller and older four wheeler that Strasser was riding decided to stall out and not start. We were actually on our way back when it happened, so I didn’t even know it occurred until I was about a mile away and realized that he wasn’t behind me. So I turned off my four wheeler and listened to see if he was coming, but I didn’t hear anything. So I decided to turn around and try to find him. He was at the same spot where we decided to leave, and he was trying to start the four wheeler. I felt bad because clearly I left him trying to start a stalled four wheeler all by himself. I tried to start it and actually got it to, but unfortunately it came to a stop pretty quick and we gave up on it. Luckily we had a rope on the back of the other four wheeler so I could tow him back and we could deal with the problem another day. Unfortunately, when we got the other four wheeler started, it decided to die on us. So there we were, 2 miles away from my house at 7:30 at night, without any cell phones and two broken down four wheelers that weren’t even on my land. The only option that we had was to walk to Kyle Klug’s house which just so happened to be right down the road. We walked to his house, very muddy and tired. I knocked on his front door and asked him if he could give me a ride home because we had no other choice. He abided and gave us a ride home. It was a very uncomfortable ride, but that is beside the point. I got home and had to tell the whole tale to my Dad since he was clearly worried about me (or so I hope) since we were gone for so long with no return or phone call. So we walk over to my neighbor Gavin’s house and asked his Dad if we could use his pickup truck so we could wheel the four wheelers into the back of it and just take them home. He gave us permission and actually assisted us in the process. The four wheelers were a good quarter mile from the road, so Strasser and Ihad to run all the way to the four wheelers and then wheel them back. The one that I had to push had a tire off the rim, so it was extremely difficult. My Dad was also there to assist me because it was taking us so long to get back. It probably took a good fifteen minutes to get them to the gate that was blocking the driveway. I will also add that there were huge rocks on the sides of the gate to make it impossible for vehicles to just drive past the gate, so this gave us another problem. We had to lift the four wheelers over the rocks just to get them to the car, and this was probably the hardest part of the whole thing. As we were wheeling the four wheeler over the rocks, I was being cut up by thorns worse than I ever have before, and this has given me quite the amount of battle scars on my arms and legs. I was drenched in sweat by the time I got both of the four wheelers past the rocks. Once we got one of the four wheelers in the back of the truck, we found out that there was no way we were going to get both of them in there, so we decided to strap one of them into the back of my dad’s SUV. It didn’t fit perfectly, so they had to use a few ropes and cords to secure in place. Gavin’s father drove to my house with the one, and it me and my Dad took the longer way because there were less hills and it would secure a safe trip for the four wheeler, because it could easily fall out of the back of the car. I had to hold onto the back of the four wheeler from the passenger seat of the car for the entire ride, and it was a very difficult task. Strasser and I never thought that the situation would blow up to become the incident that it became. When we got home, I thanked Gavin’s father and apologized to my father for what had happened. He understood and said he would have done the same thing, because it really was the only thing that me and Strasser could have done. There was no other way out of it. I didn’t want to tell this story to literally everybody in person, so I figured I would write a blog about. So now if somebody asks what happened to my arm, I can just say read the blog. Easy as that.

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